Cheatsheet for Linux & Git for DevOps Engineer

Cheatsheet for Linux & Git for DevOps Engineer

Linux Commands


#          : root user
$          : normal users
/            : root directory 
~            : home directory
man           : access manual pages for all Linux commands
uname          : show name of kernel (OS)
uname -r       : show version of kernel 
clear             : clear screen
whoami         : show currently login user name
history        : show list of previously used commands
date           : show time and date
cal            : show this month's calendar
lastlog        : details of a recent login of all users
df          : shows the amount of free space on a file system
head             : shows the top N lines of the file (maximum 10)
tail           : shows the bottom N lines of the file (maximum 10)
cd ~ or cd        : change the directory to the home directory
cd -           : Go to the last working directory.
cd ..           : change the directory to one step back
cd ../..       : Change directory to 2 levels back
users          : display the username of all users currently logged on the system
useradd          : add new user
usermod          : change existing users details
Chmod          : change the access permissions of files and directories
Chown          : change the file Owner or group
passwd          : change the password for user
userdel & groupdel: to delete the user & group


ping              : check the connectivity of host
sudo          : allows regular users to run programs with the security privileges of the superuser
ssh           : secure shell command
ftp               : Opens an ftp connection to a host

File management

ls             : long listing format of the files and directories with extra information
pwd            : present working directory
touch          : to create a file
mkdir            : to make a directory in a specific location
rm & rmdir      : used to remove a file & directory 
cp          : copy files from one directory to another
mv           : move or rename files
cat             : view the content inside the file
echo           : print any text
grep              : Searches for a pattern in a file or a stream of text
find              : Searches for files and directories
awk               : Processes text files and data streams
diff           : find the difference between files
mount          : mount file systems
umount            : unmount file systems
vim or nano       : to create a file and edit it
service       : to start and stop services
tar               : creates and extracts archive files
gzip              : compresses and decompresses files
unzip             : uncompresses archive files
crontab          : schedules commands (specially backup) to be executed automatically
apt,pacman,yum,rpm: package managers used for diff. linux flavors

Process Management

ps   : shows the running processes
kill : kill active processes by process ID or name
top  : view active processes live with their system usage

Don't stop guys, let's go for the Git sheet!!

Git download for the system:

How to check its version : git --version

Git Commands

(Basic and Advanced)

Manage Repository

git init        : initialize an empty Git repository
git clone <url> : cloning/copying an existing Git repository via URL
git remote add origin <remote_git_url> : add remote origin url
git remote remove origin : delete remote origin url
git remote -v : shows remote repository url's

Setup for Git users

Configuring user information across local repositories

git config --global "<user_name>" : set global username
git config --global "<email_address>" : set global email
git config --global color.ui auto : set automatic command line coloring

Staging & Snapshot

Working with snapshots and the Git staging area

git status : shows the status of git repository, no untracked files
git add <file_name> : adding files(untracked) into files(staged) of current branch 
git add . : add all current directory files(untracked) of current branch
git commit -m "<message>" : commit all staged files of curent branch

Branch & merge

git branch : shows all branches with * at active branch
git branch <branch_name> : creates a branch without switching to it
git checkout -b <branch_name> : creates a new branch and switch to that new branch
git switch <branch_name> : swithces to another branch from current branch
git checkout <branch_name> : switches to another branch form current branch
git branch -d <branch_name> : removes a branch from git
git branch -D <branch_name> : force or confirm the deletion of a branch from git
git merge <branch_name> : merges changes from another branch into the current branch
git rebase <branch_name> :

Synchronize with Git Repo

git fetch : fetch all the remote branches
git push origin <branch_name> : push local changes to remote branch
git pull origin <branch_name> : pull remote changes to local branch


git log       : shows logs of current branch events with more info
git log --oneline : shows logs of branch events in one line
git reflog       : shows logs in simple way

Conflicts resolution

git log --merge     : produce the list of commits which causing the conflict
git diff         : identifies difference between the states repository or files
git checkout         : undo the changes made to the file
git reset --mixed     : undo changes to the working directory and staging area
git reset         : undo local changes to the state of a Git repo. 
git reset --hard     : resets the current branch tip, and also deletes any changes in the working directory and staging area 
git merge --abort     : exit from merging process and return to the step before merging starts
git revert <commit hash>: rolls back to previous commit on current branch
git restore <file_name> : brings back deleted files(committed)


git stash : takes uncommitted changes (both staged and unstaged), saves it for later, and then reverts them from working copy.
git stash list : shows list of stashed items
git stash apply : saves the uncommitted changes locally, allowing you to make changes, switch branches, and perform other Git operations
git stash clear : clear the stashed items
git stash pop : popping an item from stash
git stash drop : delete most recent stash

Cherrypick & squash

git cherry-pick : picking one commit from one branch to another & also useful for undoing changes
git squash : combines multiple commits into one

Thanks for watching and learning with patience with me!!

Also for your valuable time.

Keep hustling, learning and staying healthy.